Classwork 24/04/15

How is hypocrisy shown in chapter 24?

In chapter 24, scout has joined aunt Alexandra and miss Maudie in a meeting with the other ladies in Maycomb. In this meeting, mrs Grace Merriweather shows a lot of sympathy to the tribe in Africa called mruna’s. This one of the ways how Harper Lee created the hypocrisy in this chapter. This is because she feels for the black people in Africa (the mruna’s) however, she doesn’t feel sorry for any black citizen in Maycomb. This includes Tom Robinson as she forgot his last name. She also calls her made a ‘sulky dearly’ which is rude as she is tom Robinson’s wife.






One response to “Classwork 24/04/15”

  1. jnorth Avatar

    Hello Harry,

    Your points are valid and you are exploring quite a complex idea.

    I’d like to talk with you about the structure of your paragraph and how to present your argument effectively. Let’s do this in the next lesson.
