H/w. In what ways does Shakespeare control our impressions of LM?

Shakespeare makes an impression in the audience mind that lady Macbeth is a dominate character in the play as she is showed as being demanding and persuasive.  One way that he shows this is when Macbeth is having second thoughts about killing king Duncan. When lady Macbeth hears about this, she was not impressed. This meant she was angry and so she strongly opposed to Macbeth’s second thoughts and managed to Persuade him to kill king Duncan. This sticks in the audiences minds that she is the most dominant character in the play.






2 responses to “H/w. In what ways does Shakespeare control our impressions of LM?”

  1. jnorth Avatar

    Hello Harry,

    You have clearly understood Lady Macbeth’s character and have begun to demonstrate how you believe she manipulates Macbeth. Your vocabulary has shown some real development – I am pleased.

    Target: Rather than making references to the text, you should aim to use quotations that evidence your understanding.


    Mr North

  2. Miss Drewett Avatar
    Miss Drewett

    A clear explanation as to the impressions we have of Lady Macbeth, using some sophisticated vocabulary choices. You have explained how this impression comes about through Lady Macbeth’s actions, however this needs to be developed with a little more depth.
    To do this you should choose quotations that support your points and then see if you can pick out which words particularly demonstrate your ideas. This would help you answer the question with closer reference to how Shakespeare controls our impressions (for example he chooses certain words because he knows they will make us think of certain ideas and link them to that character).
