Archive from July, 2013
Jul 11, 2013 - Communication    No Comments

My dystopia: THE UNKNOWN

I lay in my bed fully awake thinking to myself ‘what am I going to do tomorrow’ as It was to hot to zonk out. I can hear the dripping of the tap in my bathroom which started to annoy me for a moment. I got up to look at it and saw lots of lights in the dark and gloomy sky. I was puzzled. I heard a bang whizz through the air just like a bullet passed my ears so close to me. I ran out in my pajamas and looked down the misty road I live on. Then I saw I understood what was happening to the earth…

Screaming was overtaking the sound of the nature and cars in the street. Cars flying everywhere as if they were being launched by a rocket. I was starting to get worried as the wrekage started to creep even closer to me. I felt some pieces of shrapnel pierce through my arms. It felt as though I fell into a swimming pool full of sharp pointed shards of glass.

The next thing I could remember the next morning is that I was tied to the bright street lamp with ten other smelly guys from my neighbourhood. I could still hear loud screams coming from the next road down. I turned to my left and saw my house was crushed and on fire and

Jul 8, 2013 - Communication    No Comments

My distopian story plan.

It took me a while to think about what to do my story on but I think I got it.

-It is based in a future setting where everything has changed from lifestyle to technology.
-there was an invasion of robots and capture the human race.
-there is an army who comes from the planet zygon and helps to save the human race before they dissolve it.


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